Well Logs

Converting manual well logs into AI predictions

Written By Pete Sathianathan (Administrator)

Updated at January 21st, 2021

Well logging chronicles the depths, subsurface formations and events encountered while drilling. Well logs can include visual observations or be made by instruments lowered into the well during drilling. Geo engineers and drillers use well logs to measure depths of formation tops, thickness of formations, porosity, water saturation, temperature, types of formations encountered, presence of oil and/or gas, estimated permeability, reservoir pressures and formation dip -- ultimately determining whether a well is commercially viable or not and whether casing, cementing and completion should be run on a well. It's not only a journal of what is perforated below the surface, but also a predictor of success. Through the help of Interplay drilling companies now have a model that converts the graphs coordinates to points. In this example we will take a look at how to convert the handwritten graph into depth and GR coordinates.

Step 1

Drag and drop http in  and http out nodes and name the Http in node.

Step 2

Open a template node and code in the specifics of the well logs webpage.

Step 3

Open a dropbox node name it dropbox download and upload the well logs file from dropbox. 

Step 4

Open a file node give it path name that connect to the dropbox well log upload and name it file clean up node. 

Step 5

Connect all the nodes and attach a couple console nodes to file cleanup and template node. click on deploy.

Step 6 

Type in the URL for the well logs and upload the well log file and click on submit.

Step 7

You can see depth and GR coordinates being converted from graph to GR coordinates.

Step 8. 


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